
sleep disorder treatment abu dhabi

Sleep Apnea Disorder Abu Dhabi

How to know you have sleep apnea? if you have abnormal breathing patterns while sleeping then you probably do. Your breathing may stop for 10-15 seconds. This can happen due to the obstruction of airways and results in insufficient airflow. Insomnia, irritation, and headaches are some of the usual signs in patients. You will get treatment for any type of apnea from our Stanford Medical Center in Abu Dhabi. 

At Stanford Medical Center, our team of experienced ENT specialists is dedicated to helping you breathe easy and sleep soundly. We offer a comprehensive approach to sleep apnea treatment in Abu Dhabi.  Learn personalized strategies to improve your sleep hygiene.

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Sleep Apnea Therapy Abu Dhabi

We have machines to keep your airways open while you sleep. If your apnea is severe, we will talk about your surgical alternatives. Don’t let sleep apnea disrupt your life any longer. Contact Life Travel Medical today for sleep apnea treatment and start your journey to a restful night’s sleep.

sleep disorder therapy

With our sleep disorder treatment in Abu Dhabi you will welcome a healthy lifestyle in no time. We have a dedicated and skilled team committed to offering the comprehensive care you deserve. We work while prioritizing your comfort and overall well-being. Take the first step towards a restful night’s sleep with Stanford Medical Center’s expert team by your side.

Get customized sleep apnea therapy Abu Dhabi and make your health better with Stanford Medical Center. So contact us today and get started with your treatment.

sleep apnea disorder treatment Abu Dhabi

sleep disorder treatment abu dhabi

Dr. Bassel Tawfik Dib
Specialist Obstetrics & Gynecology

sleep apnea disorder abu dhabi

Stanford Medical Center offers excellent therapists and nurses who promise you top-notch care. We ensure you receive smooth treatment, and our team helps you establish a healthy sleep schedule. With our sleep disorder treatment in Abu Dhabi, you can welcome a healthier lifestyle in no time. Come to us and avail the following services for sleep disorder and sleep apnea treatment in Abu Dhabi. We use nasal devices and medication to decrease the present inflammation in your nasal passages. Our medications reduce swelling in the blood vessels inside your nose. They help to open up your airways and ease snoring.

About Us

Our vision:

Stanford Medical Center is leading a healthcare revolution with a focus on you. Our goal is to give hope and deliver outstanding care with genuine compassion, respect, and sincerity. Discover the advantages of Sleep Therapy Abu Dhabi at Stanford Medical Center. Get compassionate care, modern medication, and a dedication to your health.

Our mission:

To provide remarkable healthcare in a sheltered and patient centered environment by providing the most current medical practices to every patient through unified clinical practice and highly skilled professionals, while respecting the community of Emirates. We help you adopt a better sleeping schedule with our Sleep Disorder Treatment in Abu Dhabi.

Our values:

At Stanford Medical Center, our core values are Caring, Sincerity & Respect. The Mission & Vision of our clinic in Abu Dhabi will be displayed on the website & will be conveyed to all stakeholders. Get sleep disorder treatment Abu Dhabi, freeing yourself from the trouble.

Our health insurance partners

We are partner with a wide range of insurance providers to provide access to highly specialized care for you and your family.

Schedule an Appointment for Sleep Apnea Treatment in Abu Dhabi Today!

Book now and consult with a professional in our clinic in Abu Dhabi. We will be more than happy to set your appointment. We can help you towards the betterment of your sleep schedule. With our sleep disorder and sleep apnea treatment in Abu Dhabi you can find the relief you need.


Let our experts assess your individual needs by scheduling a consultation for sleep disorder therapy today. You can get personalized treatment plans to address your specific form of sleep apnea. Contact Stanford Medicine Center and have a healthy sleep.

In Abu Dhabi, various sleep disorder therapy options are available, tailored to each specific condition. This includes changes in daily habits and routines that can positively impact sleep quality. Our offerings include Lifestyle Modifications, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).

Yes, sleep apnea can affect children. Common signs include loud snoring, pauses in breathing, restless sleep, and behavioral issues. With Stanford Medical Center your child can get effective sleep apnea disorder treatment.

Even sleep apnea may be a chronic problem. It can significantly improve symptoms with effective sleep apnea treatment. Regular follow-ups with healthcare providers are important to monitor progress. This way you can adjust treatment as needed.

When other treatments are ineffective surgical interventions may be considered. Common procedures include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and genioglossus advancement (GA). You can start by getting sleep apnea therapy and then see if the surgery is required.

According to research, making some changes can positively impact your apnea.

You should try to lose weight and start positional therapy. You should avoid alcohol and sedatives before bedtime. These small habits can positively impact your sleep apnea. Come to Stanford Medical Center and get our treatment for sleep apnea disorder Abu Dhabi.

Therapy is highly effective in maintaining open airways during sleep. Compliance with treatment is crucial for optimal results. You can get the best sleep apnea treatment Abu Dhabi with us.

Sleep apnea can harm your heart even without waking you gasping. Brief oxygen dips during episodes strain your heart and reduce blood oxygen. Come to Stanford and discuss everything with your doctor. Step towards a healthier life with our sleep apnea treatment Abu Dhabi.

At Stanford Medical Center, we understand how aging muscles, weight gain, and even allergies can worsen sleep apnea symptoms. Get sleep apnea therapy Abu Dhabi with the best experts.

Stanford Medical Center

We promise to deliver a new level of healthcare excellence